Thursday, February 12, 2009

Waxing Philosophical, I guess......

The other day I was going thru one of my many "cancer" notebooks that I've kept since I started this journey and came across something I had written in one of my more philosophical moments. This is what I wrote verbatim: " How many times in your life can you look back and see that when things that looked like disasters at the time, turned out to be incredible gifts and became pivotal turning points in your life? We ALL have experienced this so we KNOW this. So I think the "trick" for living a clear life with calmness within and without, is to talk to ourselves and remember to remind ourselves AS THE PERCEIVED DISASTER IS ACTUALLY HAPPENING, that here is another "gift in the making" coming our way."
Easier said then done I know, but......
Nuff said.


Susan said...

Hang in there dearie..things will start getting better (((hugs)))

Anonymous said...

Thank you and I love you :)